Greetings and Blessings my friends,
Not that a lot of people would have noticed, but I haven't written a blog in a long time. I'm currently studying at Covenant Theological Seminary, and my free time is near to nothing.
As I was talking to God the other day, a topic on liberty popped up in my mind. I was thinking about what was ethically and moral to the Christian. Next, I thought about what was ethical and moral to the non-believer. There isn't much continuity between the two factions. However, the Christian has a lot at stake when he starts discussing liberty. One in particular is what this document is titled: the pharisee at heart.
"For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon. The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!"-Luke 7:33-34
Now before we jump on the wagon with Jesus, let's see where we really stand. As a Christian, you have already maintained in your head an idea of what is morally right and wrong on most topics dealing with our liberty(Moral Law). If I was around this time, rest assured I wouldn't be saying "Shame on you Pharisees!" In fact, I would scoff Jesus probably just as tenaciously if not more.
How often do we do this? "That person doesn't read his bible enough" or "That person never shuts up about God!"
"That person talks too much" or "That person talks too little" and so on... and so on
Now I'm not condoning sin, but there are principles outside of sin that are not included in the law of the prophets. No I'm not saying to flaunt your grace and abolish the law...but I am saying we shouldn't add to the law!
Brothers and sisters, lets pull the plank out of our eyes. Its not worth it to judge our brother for what they do and we don't, or vice versa. If you have felt this way towards someone(which we all have), take it to God. He wants you to seek truth.
By the way remember, judging others happens more often than we think due to our "Moral Law". You will not always agree with someone else's lifestyle. The things that we judge others for are most likely things we had to work through in ourselves(which are only recognized in Christ)! The "world class sinner" and the "holier than thou" concepts of other people change for US based on what WE deem the characteristics to be for the "sinner" and the "self-righteous". As the apostle Paul says, "Mortify your sin." Our standard should be Christ's love! Love your brother folks!
God bless you and keep you my friends!
(1 Cor. 16:24)My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen.
By His Grace,
Hank <><