Saturday, April 30, 2011

Take a look around. What do you see? Landscape as far as the eye can fathom. From redwood trees to river basins- God's creation is alive. To the Christian, the world is the Lord's backyard, full of different characteristics all coming together to describe our divine Creator. The attention to detail is indescribable. For example, the perfect sunset cascading over the open sea that goes on for miles and miles with the main sequence star appearing to rest on the waters. The mountains of Yellowstone. The Amazon river. All made according to His liking, and to glorify His name.

Physically, we can see all of these images. Sometimes in our backyards (for those very blessed), on a vacation with the family, or for some less travel-faring individuals the quickest search engine result. All of this is painted by the King of Kings, to which Picasso and Monet couldn't even hold up an oil brush. Our eyes are decoding what is before us. The setting is laid out for us to abide in His domain. The whole world is literally leaning on the Everlasting Arms. 

How can some objects take on such terrorizing features be so irresistibly fascinating? A lightning bolt doesn't strike a viewer with fear, but with adrenaline that leaves them thinking, "Wow... Do it again!" On another note, how does beauty vary so widely from person to person? One man is more attracted to another woman and vice versa. After all, God made woman last. Presuming we follow the old saying "saving the best for last" we can apply this speculation to a lot of men speaking of their spouses. Even in objects "one man's trash is another's treasure". Beauty is a variable, and in one way or another as the old song goes every thing is beautiful!  So God reveals Himself through His creation TO His creation in different ways. 

Now what about what the apostle Paul notes to the Corinthians? As it says:

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

What does he mean by "seeing what is unseen". Does he mean going to the nearest shamrock patch and scouring for hours in search of a four leaf clover? Or maybe trying to spot a black widow spider amidst a pile of crops? No, probably not. However given the boldness or this disciple he is speaking of something far more intangible. 

If you don't believe in Christ, you might have labeled me mad based on the first paragraph! But Christian or Non-Christian since your search has brought you this far let me elaborate. Creation reveals God's glory and majesty. To the non believer, A mountain is a large sculpture consisting of various types of rock. To a Christian, it becomes much more. A hand carved masterpiece chiseled by the Lion Himself, placed there for viewing, climbing, and with a enough faith, MOVING. 

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

Faith: the backbone of all Christians. Without faith there is no hope, without hope there is no  foundation, and without foundation, there is discomfort, stress, and inadequacy.  "Seeing what is unseen" takes heaps of faith, forgetting all of the worries and desires of this world and standing on the rock of Christ Jesus. He will begin to reveal Himself to you, through His Word, The Holy Spirit, and as noted in His creation. He made this world, therefore He loves the earth and what lies within it.

Belief in what isn't seen is the beginning of faith that can move mountains. Relying on our own abilities we often fall short, looking for treasures of this world to fulfill empty voids that only God can fill. Put Christ in place of your worries. Bless those near you with love and forgive all who hurt you. Embrace the grace that is Jesus Christ and what you didn't see before will become clearer than what lies right before you.

Man doesn't deserve love, let alone life. God has given us all these things breathing Jesus into the very fabric of our atmosphere. You may wonder how far you'll have to trek to find our Savior, but the journey is only a prayer away. 
Christ's revealing grace can be found no more than a foot from your eyes- within your heart.  

God Bless, 