Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sins or Saviour-Where's your focus?

Focus is an underlying attribute often unmentioned, but oh is it powerful. Your focus can impact your life outllook, goals, and most importantly your relationship with Jesus Christ. With the world slowly dying to sin more and more every day, the struggle for spiritual focus increases. More distractions denying us from Christ. More world.

Take a movie about absolutely nothing but partying, getting wasted, or just crude in general. Did you get a laugh out of it? Maybe, but it's definitely not of God. Alternatively, what about a movie that seems harmless but it's the same concept-most of your chick flicks, modern comedies, etc. Sure they aren't as bad, but aren't they a distraction from our focus? Focus on things of the world means focus off of Christ.

Now you have your optimistic people vs. your pessimistic ones. "The glass is half full!" vs. "Dang... the glass is half empty". "It's raining outside. Oh well more time to catch up on my reading." vs. "It's raining outside... another stupid gloomy day."

Two different standpoints over the same issues. Now the most important focus of all: Are we fixed on our sins, or on our saviour??

Sins or Saviour what's it gonna be? As a Christian you have one big choice: to sin or not to sin. Everytime we sin, we build fences between us and God. However, when we do not sin, we burn through our fences and continue growing spritually, being conformed to the image of Christ.

Our spiritual focus follows our internal motives. Do you tithe at church because you have to? Or do you truly believe God can use what you just gave?  Sins or Saviour?

Do you do good deeds so that people will see you doing them? Or do you help people just because you want to show them the love of Christ? Once again one of two things will happen. You will be carrying out the will of God, or unfortunately for the nature of some of us, slowly becoming bitter. Two incredibly opposing standards! Sins or saviour?

The Apostle Paul inspired by the Holy Spirit declared it best:

"Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus"  -Philippians 3:12-14

Pressing on to the goal of Christ's calling.... FOCUS!!! Listening to the Spirit beckoning it to consume your inner thoughts and desires. Seeking God with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. Doing all things through Christ who strengthens you. The Lord is your Shepherd-what else could we want?!  HE WILL take care of His flock!

We are under a covenant of God's grace. Thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ we have the ability to juke sin persevering to the cross. So what will you pick? Sins, or Saviour?? Gazing into the light of of the Holy One, sinning becomes less and less. Struggles turn into surges of hope. Transgressions turn into boasting in the cross. Christ within your heart is adverting your eyes to the hills. Let everyone know where your help comes from, cherishing the fact that you are not your own. FOCUSING on Saviour, who wipes sins with a fell swoop of His hands. Who takes the most calloused of hearts and sets them on fire with the Spirit. Our God is greater than anything. Our God is our everything.

Sins or Saviour? Turn your eyes upon the light of Jesus, and watch a sinful world illuminate- changing your outlook on this life and the next! 

God bless,

Hank ☨

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Supreme of Court Judges

A man placed on trial sits nervously as the prosecutor poses the question: Did you or did you not steal from your neighbor? The question resides on this man's answer alone, as the prosecution has no physical evidence on the suspect. He had taken famous art with the intentions of selling the item for black market profit. The stolen painting rested in this man's cellar.

He knows deep down the law wasn't upheld and punishment is pending on his life. He could lie, helping not only his outcome but the financial situation of his witty attorney. Or, he could come clean and spill the truth passing through his mind.

In this world, he has two options. 1 if he were a person of integrity:

A He could tell the truth and face his endeavor

or B. He could lie, avoiding the justice of his transgressions.

Unless he has a complete change of heart, He's likely to choose option B. After all, he already hijacked the art. He lies, and gets out of it scotch free- in this world.

Oh the way home from the court house, the man is driving along. A deer comes across the road, he swerves to avoid it but smashes into the front of an oncoming car. After the fiery haze subsides, the man is lying there in eternal rest never to breathe again- in this world.

The man then meets the King of Kings, the Lion of Jerusalem, The Supreme of Court Judges: Jesus Christ

Jesus gazes deeply into the man's eyes and asks: Why did you steal the painting?

Well, technically he still has a couple options, one of which begs ignorance:

A. I took it and it was wrong. I wanted the money. Please forgive me

B. What painting?

C. I don't know why I took it

Sure he has an option of responding, but does he control his destiny? Even though option A is the most satisfying answer to our hearts, the chances of this man hearing the most dreadful words that could echo in anyone's ears stand at about 100%

"Depart, for I never knew you" (Matthew 7:23)

We can get away with a lot of our sins in this world. We really can avoid the punishment from our judges, in this world. But we cannot avoid the judgement awaiting AFTER THIS WORLD. God knows us all from the inside out. He is coming:

"But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead." - 1 Peter 4:5

We will be judged. On that fateful day, how can we come to the presence of our God without His mercy? We cannot. Only through the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ can we approach His throne. He can forgive anything; not upholding a law, a white lie, a big lie, thievery, and even murder. He knows we are flawed; He knows we struggle. He KNOWS:

Psalm 139 :13-18 says

For you created my inmost being;
   you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful,
   I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
   when I was made in the secret place,
   when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
   all the days ordained for me were written in your book
   before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
   How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
   they would outnumber the grains of sand—
   when I awake, I am still with you.

Embrace the coming judgement! The end of times is not a time of fear, its a time of rejoice! The Rock of our faith Christ will arrive and take up His holy people. He made you, he knows you, and most of all- He LOVES you.

The Supreme of Court Judges is coming when He chooses. Let's get caught praising Him when He gets here.

God Bless,

Hank ☨

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Silence is Deadly: The Unspoken Gospel

Christians, I would like you to recall that night the Holy Spirit leaned heavily upon your heart. The moment God brought you into His kingdom through His glorious Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. The overwhelming sensation of relief. The mind, body, and soul working together to expel the joy of the Lord outward. The feeling of utter bliss, and new hope for the rest of life. 

That was hands down the BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE.  Finding the peace that transcends all understanding through the gospel of Christ. The very name of Our God shook the mountains of sin that day so that we may come crashing down onto the beautiful rock of His grace. The sound was that of a holy One, massaging our minds and hearts with the bountiful promises of salvation.

But wait.

What if that day never came? What if sitting that day in church you didn't feel the urge of God's Spirit beckoning you to the foot of the alter? Or what if that person(s) didn't speak to you of God's word that day? The biggest what if a Christian can ask themselves- WHAT IF I NEVER HEARD THE GOSPEL.

It's a souring thought, exchanging joy for melancholy and uneasiness into our core. The unpreached Gospel is like having the cure for new life; but instead of proclaiming salvation, casting it to the bottom of the sea. Let's say a friend was on their deathbed, and you had the cure to their malady. Knowing that you grasp the very key to their life, you could point them to the remedy. But rather you talk about  "Hey how about them packers?? The weather sure has been groggy lately. Did you see the new episode of House? It was amazing!" After all, the last thing they need to hear about is a the reversal of their condition.... Wait what?!

To think: Perishing eternally for hearing the daily weather update instead of Christ's Gospel. Audacious pastime when light is shed on such a common occurrence! What does Paul say in regards to these paramount encounters? 

Well in 1 Corinthians Chapter 9 he proclaims:
"For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!  If I preach voluntarily, I have a reward; if not voluntarily, I am simply discharging the trust committed to me. What then is my reward? Just this: that in preaching the gospel I may offer it free of charge, and so not make full use of my rights as a preacher of the gospel" -1 Corinthians 9:16-18

"Woe to me if I don't preach the gospel!!!" Just a few words that describe woe include:

Grief, misery, affliction of pain, or great misfortune, etc... And he wishes it on himself if he fails to preach the gospel!

Paul voluntarily makes a covenant with himself to spread the gospel, not for the rewards of earth, but for the glory of God. His gift is his divinely bestowed responsibility: to preach. It is our occupation, and JOY to radiate the will of Christ. Never forget the Great Commission:

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

Offer the remedy. Stimulate the heart. Enrich the soul. If there is a friend out there you are deeply concerned for, pray to God to soften their calloused hearts. When God opens a door, run through it "racing towards the goal", persevering  for the King of Kings. Help plant the seeds of joy and abundance, then watch our God consume another lost soul. After all, He is with you always, to the very end of time. Embrace the revealing grace of Jesus Christ, who was and is, and is to come!

The Unspoken Gospel leads to a shadowy death, but the Unveiled Truth offers Eternal Life. 

God Bless,


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Life is a gift from God- You may never know where He'll lead you next

 "Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.”  Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.  Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that" James 4:13-15

Life: the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body. Or at least that's what Merriam Webster's dictionary tells us. But what about the old sayings such as 'Life is what you make it" or Earl Nightingale's "Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us". Still, perhaps no human said it better than Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump: 'Life is like a box of chocolates- You never know what your gonna get". Now from the outside looking in, you would discern that at least 2 of these man-proposed statements are way off base. One quote claims life is in our hands. WE control our fate. The other phrase indicates life is destined based on our emotions towards it. What will happen will happen, but we can still control it to an extent. And thirdly, Life is random and impossible of being predetermined. With three different interpretations differing, excluding the physical definition provided by Mr. Webster, what in the world is LIFE??

Let's categorize our three theories:

Theory A: Life is what you make it

Theory B: Our life depends on our attitudes, or the way we perceive
Theory C: Life is random and  impossible to determine

If life is what you make it, we are in control. So what does God say on this subject:
“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
God trumps the world, God controls life. Also if overcoming our dwelling doesn't get the red out of your eye, let's look here:
We do not expect to understand fully the purpose for our trials until our Lord calls us home to be with Him. But we do know that He loves us too much to harm us, and that He is far more concerned with our welfare than we are. God's choices are always right. He is capable of carrying out any project to a successful conclusion without the possibility of fault or failure. Nothing in His universe happens by chance or accident. For every effect there is a cause. God "worketh all things after the counsel of His own will: That we should be to the praise of his glory" Ephesians 1:11-12

God is in CONTROL. The blueprints have been set long before the foundation of the world, all we have to do is listen to the wisdom of Christ dwelling within our hearts.

Theory B means well, but comes across wishy-washy. What happens will happen and you just need to be optimistic you little bundle of joy! Another simple no; because everything happens "according to His will."

And then good ol' lovable Forrest with his household-acknowledged phrase. Theory C gives no attribution to God, and also no direction in life. For the practicing disciple, all things should work to praise God.

Who is right? The answer is a swift NO ONE. Unfortunately, none of these men (or women depending on who made the first conjecture) are correct. God provides life. "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away"(Job 1:21) as our brother Job insinuated in the Old Testament. Being a living sacrifice gives God all the glory. Life is what God makes it(which was a gift from the Lord from the beginning) and it's up to us to be the salt of the earth.  Lift your eyes up to the Lord, and let EVERYONE know where your help comes from! Allow Christ to speak through you, and deliver the Gospel that breathes life into nomadic hearts.

God Bless,


Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Pulpit, The Pew, and The Tabernacle

One day at a local Christian church, a tabernacle and a pulpit were discussing the worship service. The pulpit declared "I'm the most important during the service! The preacher spreads the Word of God leaning on my stand. He places the Bible on my top as well, so the very scripture of the Lord are not only being spoken from here, but being laid upon me too! Without me the Gospel isn't preached!"

The Tabernacle retorted, "Alas, I am the most important! The bread of life is on my top! The wine of Christ is placed upon me to be blessed and purified. Without me, no one partakes in the blood and body of Jesus. I hold the church together, so it must be me!"

They continued to converse back and forth until a pew in the very back of the church spoke up. "Um excuse me?"

The pulpit fuming at this point acknowledged the small pew. "What do you want? Can you not see we are discussing important matters here?"

"I'm sorry I just overheard your conversation. Aren't we all important in glorifying God? The building itself, the instruments, the hymn-"

The pulpit and tabernacle burst into roaring laughter. The tabernacle replied "Spare us your ignorance and keep quiet. No wonder you're in the back and WE are up here!"

Several days later the pastor at the church got a call from a manufacturer. "We got the new furnishings your congregation ordered. We'll bring them by this week."

So one by one the equipment in the church was hauled off to a burn pile, As the ashes burned away the wood, they floated into the skies up towards the heavens.

The tabernacle was given his body in heaven, which was a banister sitting in the far back of God's throne room for which the stairs leading up to the next floor were built. The pulpit also had changed, and became two floorboards in the back corner that an end table sat on.

The pew came back as well, but it was far more extravagant than before. It become a beautiful royal throne seated at the very front of the worship hall. It was a pearly white color with jewels encoded up and down its exterior. The seat was placed just a little to the right of another throne that had an inscription on the very top reading, "I AM THAT I AM."

When the worship service began, The Lord God sat in the very middle, and to the throne on the right Jesus Christ came and took His seat.

The pulpit(formerly) was astounded. "Why must I be a pair of boards while that pew becomes a throne. I was a pulpit on earth! People admired me!"

Jesus heard the statement, and calmly replied. "As it is written, the greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." (Matthew 23:11-12)

Are you living as a pulpit or a pew?? Sometimes in our frantic lives, we lose focus on the identity of Jesus Christ. When He came to earth, He became the greatest servant among men, ultimately giving His life up for us. Now when we meet Him again in His heavenly dwelling, He will be exalted at the right hand of the Father. Boasting to our peers or declaring our authority among men does not lead us to the foot of the cross. Humility and an attitude of a servant will guide us to grace. John the baptist stated it the best when He pointed to Christ and said, "He must increase but I must decrease." (John 3:30) Pointing our lives to God results in more people achieving the joy only brought through the love and peace provided by our Savior. Fall in line with Jesus, lay your life down for Him, and become a living sacrifice, giving all your glory to God.

God Bless,

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Take a look around. What do you see? Landscape as far as the eye can fathom. From redwood trees to river basins- God's creation is alive. To the Christian, the world is the Lord's backyard, full of different characteristics all coming together to describe our divine Creator. The attention to detail is indescribable. For example, the perfect sunset cascading over the open sea that goes on for miles and miles with the main sequence star appearing to rest on the waters. The mountains of Yellowstone. The Amazon river. All made according to His liking, and to glorify His name.

Physically, we can see all of these images. Sometimes in our backyards (for those very blessed), on a vacation with the family, or for some less travel-faring individuals the quickest search engine result. All of this is painted by the King of Kings, to which Picasso and Monet couldn't even hold up an oil brush. Our eyes are decoding what is before us. The setting is laid out for us to abide in His domain. The whole world is literally leaning on the Everlasting Arms. 

How can some objects take on such terrorizing features be so irresistibly fascinating? A lightning bolt doesn't strike a viewer with fear, but with adrenaline that leaves them thinking, "Wow... Do it again!" On another note, how does beauty vary so widely from person to person? One man is more attracted to another woman and vice versa. After all, God made woman last. Presuming we follow the old saying "saving the best for last" we can apply this speculation to a lot of men speaking of their spouses. Even in objects "one man's trash is another's treasure". Beauty is a variable, and in one way or another as the old song goes every thing is beautiful!  So God reveals Himself through His creation TO His creation in different ways. 

Now what about what the apostle Paul notes to the Corinthians? As it says:

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

What does he mean by "seeing what is unseen". Does he mean going to the nearest shamrock patch and scouring for hours in search of a four leaf clover? Or maybe trying to spot a black widow spider amidst a pile of crops? No, probably not. However given the boldness or this disciple he is speaking of something far more intangible. 

If you don't believe in Christ, you might have labeled me mad based on the first paragraph! But Christian or Non-Christian since your search has brought you this far let me elaborate. Creation reveals God's glory and majesty. To the non believer, A mountain is a large sculpture consisting of various types of rock. To a Christian, it becomes much more. A hand carved masterpiece chiseled by the Lion Himself, placed there for viewing, climbing, and with a enough faith, MOVING. 

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

Faith: the backbone of all Christians. Without faith there is no hope, without hope there is no  foundation, and without foundation, there is discomfort, stress, and inadequacy.  "Seeing what is unseen" takes heaps of faith, forgetting all of the worries and desires of this world and standing on the rock of Christ Jesus. He will begin to reveal Himself to you, through His Word, The Holy Spirit, and as noted in His creation. He made this world, therefore He loves the earth and what lies within it.

Belief in what isn't seen is the beginning of faith that can move mountains. Relying on our own abilities we often fall short, looking for treasures of this world to fulfill empty voids that only God can fill. Put Christ in place of your worries. Bless those near you with love and forgive all who hurt you. Embrace the grace that is Jesus Christ and what you didn't see before will become clearer than what lies right before you.

Man doesn't deserve love, let alone life. God has given us all these things breathing Jesus into the very fabric of our atmosphere. You may wonder how far you'll have to trek to find our Savior, but the journey is only a prayer away. 
Christ's revealing grace can be found no more than a foot from your eyes- within your heart.  

God Bless, 